Acria IntelliChain

A general-purpose blockchain platform designed to promote openness and transparency in Artificial Intelligence (AI) development.


EVM compatible

Acria IntelliChain is based on Polygon and is therefore 100% EVM compatible

With AI in mind

The goal is to make crucial AI training data available to everyone

Zero Emission Blockchain (ZEB)

Acria IntelliChain is the first blockchain that has been optimized for minimal emissions. In addition, we have and will offset all emissions with high-value certificates.


Exploring the Challenges Facing Artificial Intelligence

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is often opaque and closed-source. Underlying algorithms such as GPT3, RNN, Vector Machines, etc. are publicly available. However, the key issue is access to the training data necessary to create advanced models such as Large Language Models (LLM). This data is proprietary and not accessible to the public, thus inhibiting innovation and allowing only large corporations to further develop these models. Opening up the training data would encourage and facilitate a rapid growth in AI applications.

Acria IntelliChain: Creating an AI Solution for a Smarter Future

The Acria IntelliChain is an EVM-compatible smart contract platform that seeks to democratize the AI space, thus driving innovation and progress. Our ecosystem allows for the efficient exchange and sharing of training data on the blockchain, enabling us to foster a fairer and more inclusive AI landscape.


Seamlessly Integrate with Your Favorite Tools

You can easily integrate the Acria IntelliChain with your preferred blockchain tools, such as Metamask, to take advantage of its powerful features.

Our Tokens

The Pillar of Our Ecosystem

ACRIA stands as the cornerstone of our crypto project, symbolizing the heart of our entire ecosystem. As the main token, ACRIA seamlessly integrates across various facets of our platform, serving as the primary unit of value exchange. Holders of ACRIA gain access to a multitude of features, enhancing their participation and experience within our thriving crypto community.

Empowering Data-driven Decisions

AIMARKET, our marketplace token, unlocks the gateway to a world of AI-driven insights. With AIMARKET, users can seamlessly navigate and procure valuable AI data, empowering them to make informed decisions in an ever-evolving digital landscape. This token not only facilitates transactions within our marketplace but also serves as a bridge connecting users to the limitless possibilities that artificial intelligence has to offer.

Fostering Community Empowerment

AINF, our community token, is a symbol of unity and shared prosperity within our crypto community. As a holder of AINF, you become an integral part of a vibrant ecosystem where collaboration and engagement are paramount. AINF serves as a key to unlock exclusive community-driven initiatives, fostering a sense of belonging and enabling members to actively shape the future of our project through their collective influence. Join hands with AINF to be a driving force in the evolution of our shared vision.

Unlock the Power of Training Data: The New Fuel of the Digital Economy

We are actively working to address the growing concern that training data is becoming the new oil. We are developing innovative solutions to better manage, protect, and leverage training data, so that it can be used responsibly and to its fullest potential. We believe that this is a critical issue that needs to be addressed and are committed to finding a solution.


Acria IntelliChain is coming soon.

Stage 1: Awakening

  • Conceptualizing
  • Building validator and node software
  • Building Block explorer
  • Building Tokenbridge
  • Running private testnet

Stage 2: Evolution

  • Launching public testnet
  • Stabilize the network
  • Pre-launch bugfixes

Stage 3: Ascension

In progress
  • Launching mainnet
  • Building AI ecosystem
  • Allowing users to share learning data
  • Building incentive systems
  • Train AI with the Acria IntelliChain dataset
block time
gas price
faster than ETH

The Acria IntelliChain: A Vital Part of the Acria Ecosystem

The Acria ecosystem is a vast blockchain ecosystem with an active and passionate community.

Acria Network

Blockchain ecosystem and oracle network


Large NFT community


Token tracking application

Stay connected and join our dynamic community - where collaboration and growth take center stage!

To stay up-to-date with the latest news and information, it is recommended that you join our Telegram community and follow us on Twitter.